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Cryptocurrency exchange in Istanbul

How to exchange cryptocurrency in Istanbul?

Bitcoin and other types of cryptocurrency are used not only by traders, but also by those who are considering investments for different periods. In each case, a digital asset can bring a good profit, which can then be converted into cash or regular money on a card. This is very convenient for those who travel to different countries. It is enough to find an exchange point in one of them, fill out an application and make a transfer to fiat money at the rate. For example, the operation is possible in Turkey, in particular Istanbul.

Where to find a crypto exchanger in Istanbul?

There are dozens of exchangers in the city that work with crypto. Most honestly carry out financial transactions for exchanging cryptocurrency. But sometimes there are fraudulent offices. Making a purchase of regular money (including cash) for cryptocurrency through such a platform means losing all assets. But how can you recognize them then?
The answer is simple - study the features of the exchange points, reputation, reviews, the work of the support service and many other characteristics. This requires a lot of time and effort, so this option is not suitable. The best solution is Obmify. Here you will find reliable services that can be used to buy fiat currency (including cash) for cryptocurrency by filling out a simple application.
The project team is constantly monitoring exchange points in the city. Participants use a system of criteria that allows you to make sure that the platform is safe. The owner of the cryptocurrency only needs to select the appropriate option on the site.
All of them offer to first fill out an application and then proceed to the exchange transaction at the rate. However, the working conditions may differ, so first you should compare the points by several criteria. These include the sale rate, cryptocurrency limits, operating hours and other features.

How to exchange cryptocurrency in Istanbul?

Exchange platforms are the optimal solution for withdrawing virtual currency and buying fiat. This is due to the fact that clients of the services receive a number of advantages. The first of these is confidentiality. To create an application for transferring cryptocurrency in the exchanger, owners do not need to register and provide personal data. Only an email address is enough. The second advantage is the absence of commissions.
Owners of exchange services already include them in the rate, so converting cryptocurrency here is profitable. Additionally, it is worth highlighting the versatility. Services can exchange cryptocurrency online and in the office. The list of advantages is completed by the simplicity of the procedure for purchasing fiat money. It is carried out as follows:
  • An application for the purchase of fiat funds for cryptocurrency is made (cash or by transfer to a bank card);
  • Sending an application for processing and waiting for a response from the exchanger;
  • Payment for the application with cryptocurrency over the network taking into account the rate (carried out to the wallet number of the exchange platform).
When the funds are credited to the exchanger's account, fiat funds are paid to the client. The speed of the transaction for the purchase of fiat currency depends on the workload of the blockchain and the payment system.

What types of crypto exchange are possible in Istanbul?

At the city's exchange points, you can create an application for online and offline cryptocurrency exchange. In the first case, the exchanger transfers fiat to the client's bank card, and in the second, the currency is issued through the cash desk. If you need to buy cash, you need to look for a cryptocurrency exchange service with cash desks. You can transfer digital assets from exchanges, regular wallets and cold crypto wallets.