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Cryptocurrency exchange in Poland

Where and how to exchange crypto in Poland?

Poland is one of the countries that Ukrainians most often visit. They come here to move to a permanent place of residence, earn money, relax or go shopping. In each case, it is good to have certain amounts of currency with you. It is not so easy to exchange hryvnia for zloty here, and the rate is not at all encouraging. An excellent alternative is crypto. This digital asset can be easily exchanged and receive fiat money. They can be credited to a bank card or issued in cash.

How to exchange cryptocurrency in Poland?

Tether, BTC, Ethereum and other types of cryptocurrency are usually stored on one of the special resources. For example, on an exchange, hardware wallet or a regular non-custodial crypto wallet. From these sites, you can transfer crypto into cash or money to a card through exchange.
For such a procedure, you need an appropriate service - an exchanger. But finding one, especially abroad, is not easy. It is necessary to be able to distinguish scammers from honest exchange points that work with digital assets. But, you do not need such skills and waste time searching for an exchanger for crypto.
Obmify will help you choose a reliable platform for a coin transaction. Only honest crypto exchange points that have an impeccable reputation and good reviews from real customers are collected here. To exchange coins for currency, you must complete the following steps:
  1. Find a reliable exchanger that works with cryptocurrencies (USDT, tokens and other types of crypto). To do this, use our platform. Be sure to study the exchange rate for the desired coin, operating mode and other characteristics. It is important to decide whether you need to buy cash for cryptocurrency or transfer to a card.
  2. Fill out an application for crypto exchange. Clients do not need to create an account and go through verification. To exchange crypto, just fill out an application on the website. The exchanger will need an email address or a nickname in the messenger. This is necessary to send data to pay for the crypto exchange application. But, the main information is indicated in the lines where you need to select the type of coin and currency. The application also indicates the amount of cryptocurrency.
  3. Submit an application for processing and wait for a response. Usually, requests are processed quickly enough, so the owner of the cryptocurrency receives a message within a few minutes during business hours.
  4. Receiving funds. If the offline coin exchange format is selected, then the application is paid for online in crypto, and cash is transferred after agreeing on the details at the office of the exchange point. Usually there are different types of currencies, including the popular USD. In addition, crypto transactions can be carried out online. An application is made, and then the coins (cryptocurrency) are sent online to the exchange platform account. After that, it transfers the currency to the client.
One of the main advantages of the exchange point is speed, so most transactions are carried out in a few minutes. Selling requests are also processed quickly.

What types of crypto exchange are possible in Poland?

In many cities of the country, several types of cryptocurrency exchange are available at once. Some crypto owners use p2p platforms. But this option has many disadvantages. In particular, high commissions for coins, not always a good cryptocurrency rate, as well as the need to pass verification. More profitable alternatives for selling cryptocurrency are offered by exchange points.
They perform crypto exchange transactions in two ways: in the office (through cash desks into cash) and online. The first option is suitable for those who need to transfer cryptocurrency into cash. The second is an excellent solution for anyone who wants to withdraw coins (crypto) to a bank card or wallet. Whichever option, you must first fill out an application on the resource's website. Then the algorithm for selling cryptocurrency is slightly different. The application is processed, and then the money is paid.

Advantages of online crypto exchange for cash in Poland via Obmify

The service will be a real find for crypto owners who want to get a guarantee of exchange reliability. Here are already proven platforms with an excellent reputation, high ratings from real clients and transparent working conditions. Our team carefully selects them based on a whole system of requirements. This provides users with the opportunity to choose a reliable exchanger and not worry about the security of their cryptocurrency.