Monobank, the leading digital bank in Ukraine, provides a convenient platform for users to conduct various financial operations, including cryptocurrency exchange.
Here`s a simple guide on how to exchange hryvnias for Tether (USDT) TRC20 without paying a fee:
Access Monobank's services. Start by logging into your Monobank account through the mobile app or web interface.
Navigate to the feature. In the interface, locate the exchange feature. This feature allows users to exchange national currency (UAH) for cryptocurrency effortlessly.
Select USDT. Choose Tether as the cryptocurrency you want to purchase. Make sure the TRC20 variation is selected to match the specific blockchain network.
Enter the amount. Specify the amount of hryvnias you plan to exchange for USDT TRC20 to your payment card. The interface will display the equivalent amount based on the current exchange rate.
Confirmation and execution. Review the transaction details, including the rate and any applicable fees. Once confirmed, proceed with the transaction, and Monobank will automatically execute the procedure.
Receive notification of a successful exchange, as well as transaction details. The token will now appear in the cryptocurrency wallet of your bank account.
How to convert Hryvnias in Monobank to USDT without a fee?
The reliability of exchanging hryvnias for Tether through Monobank is ensured by the bank`s infrastructure and compliance with regulatory standards. Here are some factors contributing to the reliability of this process:
Secure platform. The service provides a secure online platform for conducting financial operations, including cryptocurrency exchange.
Real-time monitoring. The service constantly monitors rates and market conditions to offer competitive rates to its users.
Transparent fee structure. Monobank maintains transparency regarding any applicable fees and the exchange rate associated with Tether exchange.
Reserve and liquidity. The exchange maintains an adequate reserve, ensuring liquidity and minimizing transaction processing delays.
Automatic execution. Transactions conducted through the platform are executed automatically, reducing the risk of human error and increasing efficiency.
Customer support. In case of issues or questions, customer support is available to provide timely assistance to users.
By using the simple and advantageous Monobank platform, users can exchange hryvnias for Tether currency with confidence, convenience, and cashback.
In conclusion, the process of purchasing cryptocurrency for UAH through the Monobank exchange offers a straightforward solution for those looking to diversify their assets or engage in cryptocurrency operations.
Find the best exchange rate
No reverse exchange is available for this direction