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Cryptocurrency exchange in Bulgaria

What do you need to know about exchanging cryptocurrency in Bulgaria?

Cryptocurrency owners can make transactions with the asset in almost any European country. This is due to the specificity of cryptocurrency. Its circulation is regulated not by banking institutions, but by the market participants themselves, which opens up wide opportunities for use.
When abroad, users can buy coins, use them to receive fiat money (including cash), and also invest certain amounts in certain projects. In any of these cases, the services of a cryptocurrency exchange point are needed. After all, through the service you can buy and sell an asset on favorable terms.

How to sell and buy cryptocurrency in Bulgaria?

An important feature of the exchange platform is the simplicity of the transaction. The exchange transaction usually takes a few minutes if carried out online using funds on a bank card. In the case of transferring cryptocurrency to cash or buying regular USD currency for coins, you also need to set aside time to visit the office. The currency exchange procedure includes several stages:
  • search for an office that meets the security criteria (Obmify helps with this);
  • comparison of available exchange services (the rate and features of work are taken into account);
  • choosing a suitable point for buying or converting cryptocurrency into fiat;
  • following the instructions on the website of the exchange resource (it is necessary to fill out an application);
  • payment for the application (from a wallet online, a bank card or in cash);
  • crediting crypto or USD at the rate (the latter can be received in cash).
The cryptocurrency exchange point ensures confidentiality during the transaction and does not require entering personal data and verification. To make an exchange transaction, an email address specified in the application is sufficient.
At the same time, exchange points apply an AML policy in order to prevent the financing of various illegal organizations. When converting cryptocurrency, also take into account the moment of fixing the exchange rate. In some exchange points, it is fixed in the application, but for a certain time.

Cryptocurrency exchanger Bulgaria: where is it safe and fast to exchange?

A cryptocurrency exchange point is always a more profitable option than other platforms that carry out such financial transactions. The advantages of the service include no fees, high speed, convenience (a simple application is submitted), work with different types of funds (USD EUR, etc.) and support for different transaction options.
However, not every point works honestly. There are also scammers on the market who hunt for cryptocurrency. If you do not want to fall into their trap, use Obmify. The service offers a choice of dozens of points for exchanging cryptocurrency that operate legally. The project team can guarantee the reliability of the sites, since it carries out thorough checks.

How to choose a crypto exchanger in Bulgaria?

You can find an honest exchange point for converting cryptocurrency, USD and other types of currencies on our website. The system automatically selects suitable options. You only need to fill out the form at the top of the page. It indicates the type of cryptocurrency and fiat, as well as the amount of the asset. At the bottom of the form, resources that can be used for conversion immediately appear. To choose the best one, consider the rate, reviews, rating, limits and other features.